Thursday, August 19, 2010

We just want to say thank you to all the volunteers who came and helped at the Ice Cream Social last night! It would not have been a success without you! It was fun to see all the students and their parents! Now that you know who your teachers are, you can start finalizing your school lists and get ready for school next week!
Also, don't forget the PTO meeting tonight at 7:ooPM in the cafeteria! All parents are welcome to attend and are encouraged to be a part of the fun PTO Team! Thanks for all you do!



  1. I'm glad I came to the meeting tonight. I learned a lot about how these things work, having not been part of a PTO before.

    I had a comment regarding the "no treats" that I mentioned. It seems a lot of people think it's a crazy idea, and I can understand if it's not something that you are accustomed to. I was thinking this morning what if we encourage parents, who would otherwise bring a classroom treat or some kind of trinket to hand out, to donate a book to their child's classroom (or the library) instead? A little label could be placed inside the book with the child's name on it saying it was donated in their name. The kids would feel special to have their name in a book "in perpetuity" and it would help the school build it's collection.

    Just another thought to stear away from all the sugary crap our kids get on a regular basis.

  2. We are glad you came also, it is nice to meet everyone and become a team.
    I think the book idea is a great thought... maybe they could have some class reading time along with it?.... We will make sure we pass this information onto the board!
    We hope to see you at the next meeting!
